NutriniDrink is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for the dietary management of disease related undernutrition and growth failure. NutriniDrink is a high energy, nutritionally complete supplement for children from 1 year onwards. Must be used under medical supervision. This material is intended only for HCPs use
Request a call back / VisitPICKY EATING (choosy eating) is a relatively common behavioural problem faced by children and their parents 1 and affects up to 60% of children globally2,3
Stop the drama and help happy mealtimes begin.Click to know more
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1. Lam J. Picky Eating in Children. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2015;3(41):1-3. 2. Taylor C, Wernimont S, Northstone K, Emmett P. Picky/fussy eating in children: Review of definitions, assessment, prevalence and dietary intakes. Appetite. 2015;95(2015):349-359. 3. Samuel T, Musa-Veloso K, Ho M, Venditti C, Shahkhalili-Dulloo Y. A Narrative Review of Childhood Picky Eating and Its Relationship to Food Intakes, Nutritional Status, and Growth. Nutrients. 2018;10(12):1992.; 4. NutriniDrink Neutral Product Information; 5. Trofholz A, Schulte A, et al. How Parents Describe Picky Eating and Its Impact on Family Meals: A Qualitative Analysis Appetite. 2017 Mar 1;110: 36-43; 6. Jansen P, de Barse L, Jaddoe V, Verhulst F, Franco O, Tiemeier H. Bi-directional associations between child fussy eating and parents' pressure to eat: Who influences whom?. Physiology & Behavior. 2017;176:101-106.;7. Ekstein S, Laniado D, Glick B. Does Picky Eating Affect Weight-for-Length Measurements in Young Children?. Clinical Pediatrics. 2009;49(3):217-220. ; 8. Ekweagwu E, Agwu A, Madukwe E. The role of micronutrients in child health: A review of the literature. African Journal of Biotechnology 2008;7)21):3804-3810;9. Devaera et al. comparing compliance and efficacy of isocaloric oral supplementation using 1.5 Kcal/ml or 1 Kcal/ml sip feed in children with mild to moderate undernutrition: A randomized controlled trial. Abstract presented at WCPGHAN 2012 (PP33022).